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Function to cluster peaks by spectral similarity. A representative spectrum is selected for each peak in the provided peak table and used to construct a distance matrix based on spectral similarity (pearson correlation) between peaks. Hierarchical clustering with bootstrap resampling is performed on the resulting correlation matrix to classify peaks into by their spectral similarity.


  peak_no = c(5, 100),
  alpha = 0.95,
  nboot = 1000,
  plot_dend = TRUE,
  plot_spectra = TRUE,
  verbose = getOption("verbose"),
  save = FALSE,
  parallel = TRUE,
  max.only = FALSE,
  output = c("pvclust", "clusters"),



Peak table from get_peaktable.


Minimum and maximum thresholds for the number of peaks a cluster may have.


Confidence threshold for inclusion of cluster.


Number of bootstrap replicates for pvclust.


Logical. If TRUE, plots dendrogram with bootstrap values.


Logical. If TRUE, plots overlapping spectra for each cluster.


Logical. If TRUE, prints progress report to console.


Logical. If TRUE, saves pvclust object to current directory.


Logical. If TRUE, use parallel processing for pvclust.


Logical. If TRUE, returns only highest level for nested dendrograms.


What to return. Either clusters to return list of clusters, pvclust to return pvclust object, or both to return both items.


Additional arguments to pvclust.


Returns clusters and/or pvclust object according to the value of the output argument.

  • If output = clusters, returns a list of S4 cluster objects.

  • If output = pvclust, returns a pvclust object.

  • If output = both, returns a nested list containing [[1]] the pvclust object, and [[2]] the list of S4 cluster objects.

The cluster objects consist of the following components:

  • peaks: a character vector containing the names of all peaks contained in the given cluster.

  • pval: a numeric vector of length 1 containing the bootstrap p-value (au) for the given cluster.


A representative spectrum is selected for each peak in the provided peak table and used to construct a distance matrix based on spectral similarity (pearson correlation) between peaks. It is suggested to attach representative spectra to the peak_table using attach_ref_spectra. Otherwise, representative spectra are obtained from the chromatogram with the highest absorbance at lambda max.

Hierarchical clustering with bootstrap resampling is performed on the resulting correlation matrix, as implemented in pvclust. Finally, bootstrap values can be used to select clusters that exceed a certain confidence threshold as defined by alpha. Clusters can also be filtered by the minimum and maximum size of the cluster using the argument peak_no. If max_only is TRUE, only the largest cluster in a nested dendrogram of clusters meeting the confidence threshold will be returned.


  • Users should be aware that the clustering algorithm will often return nested clusters. Thus, an individual peak could appear in more than one cluster.

  • It is highly suggested to use more than 100 bootstraps if you run the clustering algorithm on real data even though we use nboot = 100 in the example to reduce runtime. The authors of pvclust suggest nboot = 10000.


R. Suzuki & H. Shimodaira. 2006. Pvclust: an R package for assessing the uncertainty in hierarchical clustering. Bioinformatics, 22(12):1540-1542. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btl117 .


Ethan Bass


# \donttest{
pk_tab <- attach_ref_spectra(pk_tab, Sa_warp, ref="")
cl <- cluster_spectra(pk_tab, nboot=100, max.only = FALSE, save = FALSE, alpha = .97)

# }