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Finds and fits peaks and extracts peak parameters from a list of chromatograms at the specified wavelengths.


  fit = c("egh", "gaussian", "raw"),
  sd.max = 50,
  max.iter = 100,
  time.units = c("min", "s", "ms"),
  estimate_purity = FALSE,
  noise_threshold = 0.001,
  show_progress = NULL,
  cl = 2,
  collapse = FALSE,



A list of profile matrices, each of the same dimensions (timepoints x wavelengths).


Character vector of wavelengths to find peaks at.


What type of fit to use. Current options are exponential-gaussian hybrid (egh), gaussian or raw. The raw setting performs trapezoidal integration directly on the raw data without fitting a peak shape.


Maximum width (standard deviation) for peaks. Defaults to 50.


Maximum number of iterations for non-linear least squares in fit_peaks.


Units of sd, FWHM, area, and tau (if applicable). Options are minutes "min", seconds ("s", or milliseconds "ms".


Logical. Whether to estimate purity or not. Defaults to FALSE. (If TRUE, this will slow down the function significantly).


Noise threshold. Argument to get_purity.


Logical. Whether to show progress bar. Defaults to TRUE if pbapply is installed.


Argument to pblapply or mclapply. Either an integer specifying the number of clusters to use for parallel processing or a cluster object created by makeCluster. Defaults to 2. On Windows integer values will be ignored.


Logical. Whether to collapse multiple peak lists per sample into a single list when multiple wavelengths (lambdas) are provided.


Additional arguments to find_peaks. Arguments provided to find_peaks can be used to fine-tune the peak-finding algorithm. Most importantly, the smooth_window should be increased if features are being split into multiple bins. Other arguments that can be used here include smooth_type, slope_thresh, and amp_thresh.


The result is an S3 object of class peak_list, containing a nested list of data.frames containing information about the peaks fitted for each chromatogram at each of wavelengths specified by the lamdas

argument. Each row in these data.frames is a peak and the columns contain information about various peak parameters:

  • rt: The retention time of the peak maximum.

  • start: The retention time where the peak is estimated to begin.

  • end: The retention time where the peak is estimated to end.

  • sd: The standard deviation of the fitted peak shape.

  • tau The value of parameter \(\tau\). This parameter determines peak asymmetry for peaks fit with an exponential-gaussian hybrid function. (This column will only appear if fit = egh.

  • FWHM: The full-width at half maximum.

  • height: The height of the peak.

  • area: The area of the peak as determined by trapezoidal approximation.

  • r.squared The coefficient of determination (\(R^2\)) of the fitted model to the raw data. (Note: this value is calculated by fitting a linear model of the fitted peak values to the raw data. This approach is statistically questionable, since the models are fit using non-linear least squares. Nevertheless, it can still be useful as a rough metric for "goodness-of-fit").

  • purity The peak purity.


Peaks are located by finding zero-crossings in the smoothed first derivative of the specified chromatographic traces (function find_peaks). At the given positions, an exponential-gaussian hybrid (or regular gaussian) function is fit to the signal using fit_peaks according to the value of fit. Finally, the area is calculated using trapezoidal approximation.

Additional arguments can be provided to find_peaks to fine-tune the peak-finding algorithm. For example, the smooth_window can be increased to prevent peaks from being split into multiple features. Overly aggressive smoothing may cause small peaks to be overlooked.

The standard deviation (sd), full-width at half maximum (FWHM), tau tau, and area are returned in units determined by time.units. By default, the units are in minutes. To compare directly with 'ChemStation' integration results, the time units should be in seconds.


The bones of this function are adapted from the getAllPeaks function authored by Ron Wehrens (though the underlying algorithms for peak identification and peak-fitting are not the same).


  • Lan, K. & Jorgenson, J. W. 2001. A hybrid of exponential and gaussian functions as a simple model of asymmetric chromatographic peaks. Journal of Chromatography A 915:1-13. doi:10.1016/S0021-9673(01)00594-5 .

  • Naish, P. J. & Hartwell, S. 1988. Exponentially Modified Gaussian functions - A good model for chromatographic peaks in isocratic HPLC? Chromatographia, 26: 285-296. doi:10.1007/BF02268168 .

  • O'Haver, Tom. Pragmatic Introduction to Signal Processing: Applications in scientific measurement. (Accessed January, 2022).

  • Wehrens, R., Carvalho, E., Fraser, P.D. 2015. Metabolite profiling in LC–DAD using multivariate curve resolution: the alsace package for R. Metabolomics 11:143-154. doi:10.1007/s11306-014-0683-5 .

See also


Ethan Bass


if (FALSE) { # interactive()
pks <- get_peaks(Sa_pr, lambdas = c('210'), sd.max=50, fit="egh")