Utility function to remove peaks from a peak list (e.g., because their intensity is too low). Currently one can filter on peak height, peak area, standard deviation, and/or retention time.
- peak_list
A peak_list object, consisting of a nested list of peak tables, where the first level is the sample, and the second level is the spectral component. Every component is described by a matrix where every row is one peak, and the columns contain information on retention time, full width at half maximum (FWHM), peak width, height, and area.
- min_height
Minimum peak height.
- min_area
Minimum peak area.
- min_sd
Minimal standard deviation.
- max_sd
Maximum standard deviation.
- min_rt
Minimum retention time.
- max_rt
Maximum retention time.
A peak list similar to the input, with all rows removed from that do not satisfy the specified criteria.